Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Boy! How Drunk Were These Ladies?

I was AMAZED at the review of the Clay Aiken Concert from DeepSouthGurrrl.
Her account is nothing near the truth. And she should check out

She must have had one tooooo many to write this fantasy!

Houston, TX July 6, 2007
DeepSouthGurrl Clay's tacky woman

I'm going to somehow try to write a coherent summary of my concert experience.I had dead center second row seats. At the most Clay was six to eight feet in front of me. When he sat on his stool...this is the truth...y'all know I would never exaggerate....I had to look up from his feet to between his legs..we'll stop here and take a moment (there was this rather large brad/rivet right at the base of his zipper that would sparke like a diamond when the light hit it...and that was like everytime he sat down...I had to would have, too.)...then up his torso finally to his beautiful gorgeous face. There were twelve of us from Louisiana but only six of us on that row. The rest were scattered. We had our boas on...which he couldn't help but notice and did. Long before he mentioned them to the audience he smiled very knwingly at us. The phone call was NOT me...I'm sorry. But, the girl who's phone he took was a perfect choice. She loves and adores Clay but had NEVER seen him in any concert...none. So here she ends up on second row, he takes her phone and sings to her granddaughter, and then compliments her by saying she couldn't be a grandmother. She was the driver that Gaymarie and I went to Houston with....a silver mustang convertible, at that. We were stylin', honey. After the intermission, ( he told us all to pee quick) he said that there was this group of ladies in Mardi Gras boas...for us to stand up and put the light on us. He chatted with us but I can't remember what he said then. Later he asked us if we were all married. I told him yes, all but Gaymarie. He then went to her and asked if she was married...she told him not anymore. He wanted to know if it was since she was going to his concerts. He said he didn't know how any man would leave us...we are all so lively. Again later he bent over to me and did that wiggly finger thing he does, pointed to my boa and said, "Give me that." I sure hope someone got, if nothing else, that on video. Man, Clay wiggling his fingers and saying "Give me that." Anything, Master, anything...or anything else? He then holds it, fondles it, drapes it around his neck and realizes mine is is. It's one that Gay and I cut in half in Jacksonville for the Christmas concert. We wanted that same one on. He wanted to know why mine was short...I told him they are very hot....which they are. Gay told him she had the other half. He said that's what Claymates do...they share. He returned it to me then. A few minutes later he again came to us and asked if we were going to Tulsa ...Gay and I told him no we wouldn't see him until California. He said ...y'all need to come to Tulsa. We didn't tell time and besides who can think good when he's chatting and looking right at you with the green lasers......well, give us some good tickets and we'll find away to get there. As we were leaving the concert, no joke, I felt a little bit like a celebrity. I had people I didn't know asking to have their picture taken with me. Others only wanted to pet the boa, some wanted to smell it. Two ladies wanted a picture with it. Poor boa is looking a little "used" today and may have to be retired. She's wrapped in tissue paper and sealed in a ziplock bag. I'll have to decide if she'll make any more trips or not. Ah, such good times. Clay Aiken came into my life and made it such a fun and wonderful thing. I have twenty four days until Gay and I join up with my dear friends Lurker Anne and Kim in Ca. We'll do all four there. I don't have near as good seats in San Diego or Pala. Maybe we'll do okay in Indie because we bought the Fantasy package deal but won't know until we get there. The Greek tickets maaaaaaaaay be good. I won't know until I get to the venue and pick them up in Will Call. All I've been told is they are very good. I have discovered since doing Clay Aiken...our opinion of "very good" and venue employees' opinions of "very good" can vary considerably. Okay, I'm sure you are all quite tired of this epistle. I didn't intend to write a's just kind of hard to quit talking about it. I DO, IN FACT, LOVE CLAY AIKEN WITH ALL MY HEART.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Houston, We have a problem...


Everything I have is for Clay Aiken. He has a voice of an Angel!

But some of his "Claymates" are a little rowdy.

If you plan to go to any of his concerts beware of the ones that dress like clowns and have blinking lights.
Not only are they a little "enthusiastic" (because they had a little bit too much to drink), but they are deadly when they hit you because they are in there own world.

Sadly no one in the clown group realized how rude they were, in fact they spin a different fastasy tale of being called upon by Clay and to STOP the whole concert just because they are FAMEHORES.

Hello, there were 2,800 people there at the concert that KNOW the truth! Really!

But they would never know it because some did not wake up out of their "fog" until the next day when the bottle was empty.

And so it goes......